Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Onion: Brain-Dead Teen, Limited to Texting and Rolling Eyes, to be Euthanized (SATIRE)

I love The Onion.

I'm pretty sure that the writers aren't taking a position on euthanasia here, but doing what satirists do best; they've taken a well-known, overused, emotionally manipulative and predictable script - and then twisted the context.

I apologize for the lack of captioning, but I couldn't pass this up. If there's a good transcriptionist reading this, I promise you gratitude and credit if you want to transcribe this and send the transcript for posting.

So - for those of you who've followed NDY and enjoy satire, enjoy the video. For pro-euthanasia advocates who've checked in to see what we're up to, prepare to be offended by the video story below.

Brain-Dead Teen, Only Capable Of Rolling Eyes And Texting, To Be Euthanized


  1. While it may appear to many that Caitlin's condition is indeed hopeless, there have been similar cases where it has been possible to remove such texting devices and with extensive rehabilitation, restore communication abilities. How sad that Caitlin will never get such a chance.

  2. If there is any reaction then she's not dead yet. That's my opinion.
